Page 142 - Water_Controls_for_Public-Commercial
P. 142

/ Point-of-use filters

                                   QUICK AND EASY TO INSTALL                  LIFESPAN

                                   BIOFIL cartridges and shower heads are simple    BIOFIL anti-Legionella and all-germ filters can
                                   to connect to the outlet requiring treatment without   be used for up to 4 months after initial installation
                                   the need for tools. The water supply does not need    (depending on the model installed).
                                   to be shut off. Push-fit connectors allow filters to be   After the time period marked on the filter (2, 3 or 4
                                   fitted to all water control outlets and shower hoses.   months), DELABIE recommends changing the filter
                                   A screw-in version can be installed on a standard   to avoid any risk of retro-contamination from the
                                   flexible hose in a matter of seconds.       bacteria concentrated in the filter especially in at-risk
              ROUND shower head fitted                                         areas.
              with BIOFIL cartridge  To install a cartridge filter on a SPORTING shower panel
                                   or on a DELABIE shower head:               Note: The amount of impurities in the water will vary
                                   replace the nozzle A with the connector B:   between water systems. Filters will therefore become
                                   - Standard connector version see C.        clogged at different rates.
                                   - Vandal-resistant connector version see D.  If the filter becomes clogged prematurely,
                                                                              it is necessary to change it. We recommend
                                                                              pre-filtration upstream at different levels in the system
                                    A                    B  EN : All-germ point-of-use filters   to filter out sand and scale, etc.  EN : All-germ point-of-use filters
                                                            DE : Endständige Keimfilter
                                                                                                      DE : Endständige Keimfilter
                                                            NL : Antibacteriële eindfilters           NL : Antibacteriële eindfilters
                                                            DK : Antibakterie-endefiltre              DK : Antibakterie-endefiltre
                                                                              Bacterial proliferation is significantly reduced
                                                                              in an installation where the water is pre-filtered,
                                                                              and the lifespan of all equipment is greatly increased.
                                                                              OPTIMISED TRACEABILITY
              BIOFIL shower filter                714CLE
                                    C                    D                    To control the health risks associated with water,
                                                                              the whole process from the manufacture of
                                                                                                      EN : All-germ point-of-use filters
                                                            EN : All-germ point-of-use filters
                                                                                                      DE : Endständige Keimfilter
                 2        3                                 DE : Endständige Keimfilter   the medical device components to the use of
                                                                                                      NL : Antibacteriële eindfilters
                                                            NL : Antibacteriële eindfilters
                                                                              the finished product must be completely trac
                                                                                                      DK : Antibakterie-endefiltreeable.
                MONTHS  MONTHS                              DK : Antibakterie-endefiltre
                                                                              Individual packet label
                      4                                                       All BIOFIL filters have a unique batch number which can
                    MONTHS                                                    be easily traced back through the production process.
              Maximum lifespan
                                                                                   30261          Qty: 1  BIOFIL  2
                                   RESISTANT TO WATER                                NON              FR : Filtres terminaux anti-tous germes
                                                            EN : All-germ point-of-use filters
                                   SYSTEM TREATMENTS                                STERILE           EN : All-germ point-of-use filters
                                                                                                      DE : Endständige Keimfilter
                                                            DE : Endständige Keimfilter
                                                            NL : Antibacteriële eindfilters
                                                                                                      NL : Antibacteriële eindfilters
                                                            DK : Antibakterie-endefiltre  MD          DK : Antibakterie-endefiltre
                                                                                                      PL : Filtry przeciw wszystkim drobnoustrojom
                                                                                          18, rue du Maréchal Foch   RO : Filtre terminale împotriva germenilor
                                   BIOFIL filters will withstand thermal and chemical      T : +33 (0)  ES : Filtros terminales antigérmenes de todo tipo
                                                                                            F-80130 Friville
                                                                                                      PT : Filtros terminais anti todos os germes
                                   shocks.                                      UDI  IT: Filtri terminali antibatterici
                                   During chemical or thermal shocks, impurities    GTIN
                                   are trapped in the filter and reduce its lifespan.
                                   DELABIE therefore recommends changing      Double labelling on the filter
                                   the filter after any treatment.             Filters are supplied with 2 waterproof labels which
                                                                              identify the product and ensure traceability when
                                   Resistance to thermal shocks:              the filter is changed.
                                   Temperatures of 70°C for a cumulative period    One is positioned on the product itself, the other
                                   of 30 minutes during its lifetime.         can be removed and transferred to the record log,
                                   Resistance to chemical shocks:             ensuring traceability.
                                   Chlorine levels for 2-month filters: 2 hours at                 
                                   100ppm; 3-month filters: 3 hours at 100ppm;
                                   4-month filters: 4 hours at 100ppm.
                                                                              For more information on the BIOFIL point-of-use filters
                                                                              range, see the "Water Controls for Healthcare Facilities
                                                                              and Retirement Homes" catalogue (Doc 900INT).

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