Page 5 - BIOFIL
P. 5

Point-of-use filters /

            RANGE OF BIOFIL FILTERS                    STRATEGY
            DELABIE offers a collection of BIOFIL water   BIOFIL filters are classified as household waste.
            filtering devices: tap and wall-mounted shower   The outer packaging is made from recycled cardboard
            filters, shower head filters and spout filters  which is also fully recyclable.
            BIOFIL filters are designed to deliver bacteriologically
            controlled water at the point-of-use.
            These devices retain bacteria, including waterborne   HOLLOW FIBRE, AN INNOVATIVE,
            opportunistic pathogenic micro-organisms such
            as Legionella spp., Legionella pneumophila,   TECHNICAL SOLUTION
            Pseudomonas aeruginosa, non-tuberculous
            Mycobacteria and other micro-organisms, thanks   Hollow fibre micro-filtration
            to a hollow fibre micro-filtration membrane with a   There are two main types of membrane used
            porosity of 0.1 m nominal-rated. This micro-filtration   in point-of-use micro-filtration devices: flat membrane
            technology guarantees a bacteriological quality   or tubular membrane.               Hollow fibre membrane
            superior to that of the drinking water system without   DELABIE chose to use hollow fibre tubular membrane
            changing its chemical composition.         filtration technology.
            BIOFIL filters are designed to secure water delivery                                         Porosity < 0.1 microns
            at the point-of-use.
            They are recommended for managing and preventing   THE PRINCIPLE OF HOLLOW
            so-called healthcare associated infections (HAIs).  FIBRE FILTRATION

                                                       Hollow fibre filter
            AREAS OF USE                               The BIOFIL filter is made up of a collection
                                                       of polyethylene hollow fibres grouped together
                                                       into a unit. The fibres are extremely fine and flexible,
            Anti-Legionella and all-germ filters                                                  Microporous structure
            BIOFIL 2, 3 and 4-month point-of-use filters provide   with an outer diameter of 0.6mm and a thickness
            a physical barrier to reduce the risk of infection   of several tens of microns.         < 0.1µm  Bacteria
            associated with waterborne micro-organisms.    The fibres are hollow and shaped like a straw
            The micro-filtration membrane provides protection    (tubular).
            for immunosuppressed and vulnerable people.
                                                       Microporous structure
            Filters are necessary for the care of      The hollow fibre membranes have multiple pores
            immunosuppressed patients in high risk areas such   which vary in size from 0.01 - 0.1 micron.
            as bone marrow and organ transplant units, oncology,   Each membrane consists of several surfaces with
            intensive care, neonatal wards and any other area   microporous structures (micro slits).
            providing care for this type of patient.    Bacteria and any particles in suspension
            They also provide protection against the risk of   that  are larger than 0.1 micron are trapped    External/internal frontal filtration
            legionella and ensure compliance with regulations   by these structures and are retained permanently
            for users of public buildings.             on the external surface of the membrane.      Fibre  Bacteria

                                                       External/Internal frontal filtration
            NO CHEMICAL PRODUCTS                       DELABIE uses a frontal filtration system.
                                                       The water requiring treatment flows at right angles
                                                       to the filter surface and passes through the
            No chemical products are used during the   membrane due to the pressure difference on either
            manufacture of our filters.
                                                       side of the membrane.
                                                       The water flows from the external to the internal
                                                       surface of the fibre.
                                                       Bacteria and other microparticles that cannot pass
            MANUFACTURING PROCESS                      through the gaps in the membrane structure
                                                       are retained on the outer surface and therefore    Resin
            100% quality controlled                    do not penetrate the membrane.
            The fibre quality and porosity of the finished product
            are continuously monitored during the manufacturing  Filtration area/storage of bacteria  Large filtration area
            process for 100% of the fibres.            The filter’s large hollow fibre filtration surface area   Optimised bacteria storage
                                                       makes it possible to filter a larger volume of water.
                                                       Consequently the storage capacity for bacteria and
                                                       impurities trapped inside the filter is much greater.

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