Water savings
Water, a precious resource
Water bills are increasing due to the scarcity of water and the increasing costs of treatment and redistribution. In developed countries, average water consumption per person has multiplied by 10 in a century and doubled in the last 30 years. (Source: Centre for Information about Water, France)
In public and commercial environments, the average consumption is 50% higher than for domestic use. It represents 200 litres per day, per person.
In some specific environments (hospitals, hydrotherapy centres, etc.) it can even exceed 500 litres per day, per person.
In these environments the users’ behaviour is different as they are not the ones who pay.
Any malfunctions or leaks take longer to be reported and fixed than in a domestic household.

Lowering water consumption
For better control of water consumption, the flow rates of DELABIE’s water controls are among the lowest in the world: 3 lpm for basins and 6 lpm for showers. Split delivery and automatic shut-off systems reduce the risk of waste through user negligence. The time flow on basin controls is limited to 7 seconds. The WCs’ 3L/6L dual flush, the urinals’ 3-second flush or the electronic urinals’ high-frequency mode, are all examples of ways to optimise water consumption. All these DELABIE solutions and systems ensure significant water and energy savings, without compromising efficiency or user comfort.
Watch our video on water savings

Adapting to each individual
DELABIE's products are suitable for all types of commercial and public places: schools, airports, service stations, etc. The solutions are designed for all types of user regardless of their age, culture, or level of independence: the use of DELABIE's products is intuitive.
Some models incorporate automated features.
Preserving user comfort
Washrooms in public and commercial environments should give the user the same level of comfort found at home.
Thermostatic controls deliver water at a stable temperature. The progressive temperature lever ensures safe temperature control. Soft-touch operation or automatic systems are easy for the elderly, disabled people or children to use.
The direct flush has a low acoustic level and complies with the European standard EN class II.
The new shower head nozzles, set at only 6 lpm, and flow straighteners, provide a comfortable water flow.

The temperature of sanitary hot water found in systems is very high.
All DELABIE mixers are fitted with a maximum temperature limiter.
On thermostatic models, the anti-scalding safety instantly shuts off the supply of hot water in the event of cold water failure.
Temperature stability
PREMIX and SECURITHERM thermostatic mixers perfectly regulate the temperature. Even in the event of a loss of pressure between the cold and hot water inlets, the temperature remains stable.
Reducing risk of harm
User safety is taken into account right from the product design stage. Rounded and deburred edges avoid any risk of injury. The streamlined and sleek design provides additional security.

Maximum user hygiene
Time flow and electronic valves offer maximum hygiene to users.
No manual contact after the valve shuts off prevents the spread of germs by hands.
Automatic flush guarantees rinsing after each use. Good hygiene is ensured for the next user.

System hygiene
Unused mixers or taps (isolated point-of-use, washrooms closed during the holidays, etc.) leads to water stagnation in the system and can cause the development and proliferation of bacteria. All DELABIE's electronic controls are fitted with a duty flush programme. An automatic flush activates for approximately 60 seconds (adjustable on specific models) every 24 hours after the last use.
In WCs with cisterns, water stagnation at ambient temperature encourages the development of bacteria. Direct flush systems are one of the many solutions DELABIE offers for maximum hygiene in commercial environments.
Pathogen-free mixers and taps
DELABIE’s water controls are tested in water prior to dispatch. To ensure that pathogenic bacteria do not find their way into sanitary installations, DELABIE has developed a rigorous bacteriological water treatment process for the water and the test rigs.
Regular bacteriological surveillance is recorded, leading to immediate action in the event of detection. DELABIE guarantees that delivered products contain no traces of pathogenic bacteria.

DELABIE's water controls have been specifically designed in durable materials such as brass, stainless steel and reinforced fibreglass to withstand voluntary and involuntary vandalism.
DELABIE's products have a sleek design to limit the possibility of unwanted removal. To prevent misuse and waste, certain models are fitted with an anti-blocking system. The TEMPOMATIC MULTIFUNCTION unit, for example, can control the blocking system on products from a distance in case of misuse.
In areas with high levels of vandalism, cross wall or recessed models are ideal. The mechanisms and fixings cannot be accessed by the user.