DELABIE finances boreholes and wells, water towers, cisterns, toilet blocks and irrigation.
Since 2005, 95 projects have been funded, bringing water and sanitation to 73,000 villagers and school children.

Jean-Claude Delabie inaugurates a drinking water pump at a school in Moretan, Togo
Nowadays, almost 2.5 billion people in the world still do not have access to sanitation and 1 billion people do not have toilet facilities. There are also 750 million people without a source of clean drinking water, i.e. one person in ten.
In those countries most affected by these problems, 80% of all diseases originate from dirty water and a lack of hygiene. Almost 1,000 children die every year due to a lack of basic sanitation.
Highly aware of this, DELABIE donates part of its profits every year to finance projects that provide access to drinking water for the most deprived populations and through its humanitarian aid.
To support those populations that are lacking the vital basics of drinking water and sanitation, DELABIE provides priority assistance to villagers without resources, schools, hospitals and dispensaries.
Every year DELABIE selects rural projects proposed by NGOs and partner associations for development.