For 90 years one of DELABIE's major challenges has been to preserve natural resources and to contribute to sustainable development. The company is fully committed to eco-responsible production.

During every phase of a product's design, production, distribution and operational life, it's environmental impact is taken into account.
DELABIE uses recyclable and recycled raw materials to manufacture its products wherever possible.
The materials used are environmentally friendly, for example, the use of heavy metals is limited to a minimum.
Regarding DELABIE's water controls - the course of action is clear: water and energy consumption is reduced to what is strictly necessary.
Waste is not allowed.
The majority of DELABIE's mixers and taps are fitted with flow rate limiters or regulators to reduce water consumption as much as possible.
These flow rate regulators are perfect for hospital environments, where water consumption is higher than in other public buildings.
But DELABIE doesn't stop there. Special mechanisms have been developed to achieve water and energy savings of up to 90%.
DELABIE'S push-button taps have an ecological advantage. They do not consume any energy thanks to their hydraulic mechanism.
The water flow stops automatically after a pre-set time, depending on the type of product. The shut-off delay is 7 seconds for basin mixers and taps, 3 seconds for urinals and 30 seconds for showers.
This reduces the flow time to what is strictly necessary while the user wets and rinses their hands or body. Unlike conventional taps, there is no unnecessary flow during soaping, so there is no water wasted.
DELABIE's electronic mixers and taps optimise water and energy consumption. The water flow shuts off immediately when hands are removed from under the tap, avoiding any risk of waste. The water flows only when the user wets their hands and rinses them. Like the time flow taps, water does not flow when the user soaps their hands.
Water consumption is, therefore, reduced to what is strictly necessary.
The components used in DELABIE's electronic mixers and taps consume very little energy (bistable solenoid valve, optimised infrared detection). This saves energy while ensuring effective detection.
DELABIE also has a range of intelligent electronic urinals.
To find the best compromise between efficiency and water savings, the volume of water to be delivered must be adjusted to the size of the urinal. With DELABIE's electronic urinal valves, this parameter can be adjusted on each model and allows water savings of up to 60%.
DELABIE's infrared urinal valves, equipped with a high-frequency mode, are also able to identify busy periods and adapt the rinse volume accordingly.
These busy periods are experienced during the interval in concert halls or theatres, half-time in sports stadiums, and school breaks. During these periods the water volume is reduced so that only the urinal bowl is rinsed between two users. At the end of the busy period, an additional rinse takes place to clean the urinal completely and renew the water in the trap and the pipework.
Once again, there is no wasted water.
Finally, DELABIE's direct flush WC valve also saves water.
This system reduces the risk of leaks, unlike cisterns whose frequent drips are difficult to detect and result in significant water bills. For example, a slight leak from a cistern can cause a loss of 220m3 of water a year.
Direct flush WC valves avoid this unnecessary water consumption.
In addition, some of our flush systems have a 3L/6L dual flush which can be adjusted to 2L/4L as necessary to meet environmental labels.
More recently, DELABIE has developed an intelligent electronic rinsing programme (TEMPOMATIC dual control direct flush WC valve).
This new system detects whether a short rinse or longer rinse depending on the use. This means that the correct amount of water is consumed according to need, avoiding waste while ensuring optimal cleanliness.